Sunday, 16 January 2011

title sequence

Every movie has title sequence at the begining. However in some movies the order or the information given can change, for example: That Lies Beneath only shows us: distributor, production company and the title of the movie. This is example of how some movies can go straight to the film, without giving a whole lot of information.

Memento uses classic way of giving audience the information. This includes:
  • Distributor. (This appears two times, one after the another. 2nd one says: "NewMarket Presents..")
  • Production Company
  • Director
  • Stars
  • Title of the movie
  • Less famous actors
  • Casting Director
  • Music
  • Costume
  • Editor
  • Production Designer
  • Director of Photography
  • Co-Producer
  • Co-Executive Producers
  • Execautive Producers
  • Production
  • Screen Plan + "Based on novel..."
  • Director (Appears Twice)
Each appears on screen for 4 seconds (title-6sec) . While the titles appear, there's slow, soft and dramatic non-digetic sound of music. We see someone holding a photograph, the picture is slowly fading away leaving us with blank photo. During this all the tiles appear (Starts from the title, which was on black background and then faded into the photograph. Ends with the director name-mentioned twice).

Distribution Company are placed at the very begining. Distributor appears twice; first time with logo, then "NewMakret Presents..." This makes the feeling on the audience of feeling welcomed to the movie, also it shows that companies are introducing themselves.

When finally the photo fades away, we see director's name for the 2nd time. After this music stops, we hear digetic sounds and the action takes place.
The title apears on screen longer than any other sequances. Before the background is black, and names of distributors, producers, director and stars appear (on black background). When the title appears in then fades in to the movie. I believe this made the connection with the movie. Black background made the titles serious because people did not get distracted by what's going on in the screen.

Time line:

(click on the image to enlarge)

Tips for my own: use black background to make the names and companies stand out, make it more serious! Title on black background+the movie links these two, brings us into the movie! (I'll use this, I think it's a powerful method).

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